Exola Predictions Feb 14, 2025.

Two (2) booking codes of today's evening matches

Two  (2)  booking  codes  of  today's  evening  matches

*Note:  These  booking  codes  are  for  edit  and  play.

Disclaimer:  ExolaTV  does  not  guarantee  you  100%  winning  on  the  posted  booking  codes.

According  to  our  forecasters,  the  booking  codes  posted  are  for  edit  and  play.  You  are  to  apply  your  own  to  the  booking  codes  by  way  of  editing.

Find  the  video  on  how  to  edit  below.  
Video  on  howto  edit:  👉https://www.instagram.com/tv/CMMmulxH9uh/?\

 Note* If the booking codes stops working, please make use of the Betslip IDs

1. Booking Number:3J9HY3L / B931RCWZWWRWWT-1836829
2. Booking Number:3J9HZSN / B951RCWZWZAQTW-1836829

See Also: Two (2) booking codes of N150 naira to win Millions.

Below  are  the  single  selections  for  those  who  would  like  to  build  their  own  cashout  or  long  tickets.
Here  is  the  video  on  how  to  build  your  own  ticket:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w5byURw5FB0&t=530s

1.    2973 15/02/2023 23:30Guarani - Sao Bernardo 1
2.    1977 15/02/2023 23:30Sousa EC PB - Auto Esporte Clube PB 1
3.    3168 15/02/2023 20:45Bristol City - Wigan 12
4.    1506 15/02/2023 21:00Borussia Dortmund - Chelsea 1X
5.    2716 15/02/2023 20:45Stoke City - Huddersfield Town 12
6.    2307 15/02/2023 20:00Serra FC ES - Atletico Itapemirim ES 1
7.    2960 15/02/2023 20:30Wales - Philippines 1
8.    1338 15/02/2023 19:00Engers - TUS Koblenz 1911 1X
9.    2381 15/02/2023 20:45Swindon Supermarine - Hartley Wintney 1
10.    2382 15/02/2023 20:45Truro City - Hanwell Town 1
11.    3191 15/02/2023 21:00West Brom - Blackburn Rovers 1X
12.    1623 15/02/2023 20:45Cray Wanderers - Folkestone Invicta 1
13.    1480 15/02/2023 22:30Chalatenango - Luis Angel Firpo 1
14.    1314 15/02/2023 19:30Ceilandia Esporte Clube DF - Brasilia FC DF 1
15.    2621 15/02/2023 20:45Preston - Luton Town X2
16.    2760 15/02/2023 21:10France - Denmark 1
17.    3075 15/02/2023 20:00Costa Rica - Colombia 2
18.    2389 15/02/2023 20:30Arsenal - Manchester City 12
19.    2671 15/02/2023 23:30Morrinhos FC GO - Goias 2
20.    1530 15/02/2023 21:00Club Brugge - Benfica X2
21.    1441 15/02/2023 21:00Real Madrid - Elche 1
22.    2965 15/02/2023 19:00EC Agua Santa SP - Bragantino 2
23.    1143 15/02/2023 20:45Motherwell - St Mirren Over(1.5)
24.    1563 15/02/2023 20:45Kingstonian - Hastings Utd 12
25.    3169 15/02/2023 20:45Swansea - Blackpool 1

