Exola Predictions Feb 14, 2025.

One (1) booking code of today's evening matches

 One (1) booking code of today's evening matches

*Note: These booking codes are for edit and play.

Disclaimer: ExolaTV does not guarantee you 100% winning on the posted booking codes.

According to our forecasters, the booking codes posted are for edit and play. You are to apply your own to the booking codes by way of editing.

Find the video on how to edit below.
Video on how to edit: 👉https://www.instagram.com/tv/CMMmulxH9uh/?\

Note* If the booking codes stops working, please make use of the Betslip IDs    

1. Booking Number:3GKMS2J / B942RCTSZRZTAQ-1836829

Below are the single selections for those who would like to build their own cashout or long tickets.
Here is the video on how to build your own ticket: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w5byURw5FB0&t=530s

1.    1908 2/2/2023 21:00Real Madrid - Valencia 1
2.    1936 2/2/2023 23:00Vasco da Gama - Resende 1
3.    1839 2/2/2023 21:00Juventus - Lazio 1
4.    3043 2/2/2023 20:45Zulte Waregem - YR Mechelen X2
5.    1940 2/2/2023 20:00Ulsan Hyundai FC - Brentford FC U23 1
6.    1855 2/2/2023 23:15Coritiba - Cianorte 1
7.    1853 2/2/2023 19:30Maccabi Girls Emek Hefer - Ramat Hasharon 1
8.    1439 2/2/2023 23:15Vitoria - Jacobinense BA 1
9.    1509 2/2/2023 20:30Internacional - Ypiranga 1
10.    1885 2/2/2023 23:30Atletico GO - Crac Go 1
11.    2896 2/2/2023 19:30VfB Ginsheim 1916 - SC Viktoria 6 Griesheim 2


